          今晚誰當家 20090907 不可能吧! 矮成這樣也能當明星 If she wants to be that bright star (Because bright star must not be allowed to care anyone else eyes, because bright star must be fearless, because bright star must not look down any other role.), she must not ever wear high heel (re 售屋網gualr woman can have the freedom to wear high heel only when that high heel looked like that "Moon.G" that regular Taiwanese used to wear indoor and outdoor at wild natural time.) unless she is on duty to play any sucking role ("Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is car 土地買賣eer lair, therefore, she should not ever show her true color, shorter or longer does not matter, because short female can have many art to make her look higher, longer female cannot play short woman, may play short man; that how male "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must have to be rea 關鍵字排名lly big muscle and high in order to play those roles that no weak sick wicked "強.True.Tall" female dressed animal can be that "Too Good to be True" to fool the audience eyes. "4.Zhi.Far.Dot. Tall.Now.Jane.Down" should get a life in the wild instead of jumpping into "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" po 澎湖民宿ol.), short lady can be that brightest star (Bright star must be always at herself when she is not on duty to play any grouped role.) if she can have that best self-esteem to appreciate her natural appearance and keep her pure virgin to the end. Why one of those "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" husband so desperately demand his ta 東森房屋ll wife to control her weight (Female "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" needs to know that you are "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" you are distasteful, you have no way to have any man to love you after he had sex with you, therefore, you must not ever have sex with any man, because that man must either sold you out of American werewolves invisibly or tool you 室內裝潢 fool you worse than starving you to die, the sweeter he treats you, the more horrible deadly end you have to meet [You have no right to be sweetheart, why you want to be married?]. You lost virgin, you can always have seven years best luck to get your mankind virgin back, you committed multiply crime to give birth, you have no point of returning. Therefo 酒店工作re, you are inside "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" pool, you must not ever be the parent; because adopted parent committing more heavy crimes than natural parent.) so strict but not his previous short girl friends? Because tall female risk more to be killed by American werewolves then replaced with American werewolves slaved phony human form; however it was then, today's tech made the sh 設計裝潢 ort like "Bi.Bean.Bean" can be easily replaced by American werewolves tech made phony form, that how "Knee.Mean.然" was murdered, because he found out that real "Bi.Bean.Bean" was murdered, the current "Bi.Bean.Bean" is phony made and slaved by American werewolves (That may explain how come even your President MarInnJoe must have to be scared pressed bent to her forceful mouth.) . That how 系統傢俱you Taiwanese must do whatever it takes to seal your border, not to allow anyone to cross over to enter your place, otherwise, you all will be eaten out invisibly by American werewolves that must sink your entire Taiwan Island down to the deepest darkest disappearing out of the Earth map.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租辦公室  .

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